Tuesday 28 February 2017

Latest USDA weather update for western FSU

Sharply warmer weather rapidly melted the region’s snow cover and promoted early winter crop greening in southern growing areas.

During the 7-day period, temperatures averaged 4 to 7°C above normal in Ukraine and up to 14°C above normal in Russia.

The unseasonable warmth rapidly melted the region’s snow cover; by week’s end, shallow snow (2-10 cm) lingered from central Ukraine into central Russia, while snow had completely melted in southwestern Russia’s key winter wheat areas.

Daytime highs topped 10°C across the southern half of Russia’s Southern District, while daytime highs exceeding 20°C in the North Caucasus District.

The April-like warmth encouraged rapid greening of winter wheat in southern Russia, increasing the crop’s vulnerability to any potential late-season bitter cold.