The overall average yield is 4.40 mt/ha with the breakdown
looking like this;
- corn 18.1mmt from 2.9mha (71%) with an average yield of 6.07mt/ha
- sunflower 12.7mmt from 5.7mha (97%) with an average yield of 2.23mt/ha
- soya 3.8mmt from 1.6mha (92%) with an average yield of 2.26mt/ha
As of November 8, farmers had planted 6.8mha of winter crops
for H17 or 93% of the planned area, up 328kha on 2015.
This includes 5.8mha of winter wheat and triticale, 851kha
of winter barley, 157kha of winter rye and 819kha of winter oilseed rape.