The South, North Caucasus and Crimea have between
them harvested 953kha or 2.1% of the planned area and produced 3.5mmt of grain.
Reported total average yield is 3.65mt/ha (which
to me is a next to useless figure, imagine the USDA reporting 160 buckets [or whatever passes as a measurement over there] of grain per acre).
This includes 309kha of wheat yielding 3.67mt/ha
and 352kha barley yielding an impressive 4.07mt/ha (3.69mt/ha last year).
Additionally Krasnodar, Stavropol Krais, the
Republics of Adygea and Crimea have harvested 49kha (4%) of oilseedrape at a
not too shabby 1.78mt/ha.
Overall not too bad and the harvest has yet
to get into the more productive regions further north.