Rain returned, maintaining good to excellent prospects for
winter wheat while improving soil moisture for summer
crop planting and establishment in previously-dry portions
of Ukraine.
In southern Ukraine, light showers (2-10 mm)
sustained soil moisture supplies for jointing to heading
winter wheat.
Meanwhile, beneficial rain (10-20 mm) in
north-central Ukraine eased soil moisture deficits following
a protracted dry spell (locally less than 50 percent of normal
over the past 90 days), though more rain will be needed to
fully ease the impacts of this spring’s acute dryness.
Elsewhere in Ukraine, 10 to 40 mm of rain maintained good
conditions for recently-planted soybeans (west) and
sunflowers (east).
In southwestern Russia, 10 to 40 mm of
rain sustained excellent prospects for winter wheat as it
approached or progressed through the reproductive phases
of development.
Freezes during the period (-3 to -1°C) over
the northern half of the region were not a concern for winter
wheat, which was in the freeze-tolerant tillering and
jointing stages of development in these more northerly
growing areas.