Monday 24 October 2016

November Black Sea crop tour details

Next week we will travel through Russia and Ukraine to independently assess the condition of the fall planted wheat crop prior to the onset of winter.

This will give us an idea of the crops ability to withstand the cold months ahead, some indication of how the crop will react depending on what the winter throws at it and what we might anticipate to find in the spring once the snows melt.

Subscription only costs $250 which will give you access to the members only tour twitter account and a complete follow report after the tour is finished.

The tour twitter account will be posting pictures, short video and comments in real time during the tour and the follow up report will detail the route, methodology, results and discussion

If you would like to support us in providing the only independent crop assessment of the Black Sea region then please email blackseacroptour@gmail for payment details or with any further questions.