Once I finish writing this I will head off to the airport to start the journey that will take me through Russia and Ukraine where I will be taking a look at the condition of the recently planted winter crops with a focus on winter wheat.
The aim is to take a view on how well the crop will stand up to the rapidly approaching winter before it disappears beneath snow because once the snows do arrive we have no way of telling what is happening to the crop until the spring thaw.
I will be posting pictures, video and commentary on the crop tour members twitter account @BSCT_01 and writing up a follow up report once we have finished, see previous posts below if you would like to subscribe and join us.
You can also follow our crop tour twitter account from last year @AgronomyTour which is now open to get an idea of what we will be reporting on during the rest of this week.
Alternatively you can follow the @AgronomyUkraine twitter account completely buckshee where I will post the usual collection of encounters we happen upon as we travel around the mighty grain producing regions of Russia and Ukraine.
Wish us luck.