He has been in the post 13 months and said he was leaving to focus on attracting investment in Ukraine.
At that time Parliament said his resignation was to be authorised and a successor announced.
Six weeks later and no successor has been announced, Kutovyi is still down on the website as the Minister although, as far as I can tell, hasn’t been visible since submitting his resignation with all new announcements made by various deputy Ministers.
I say “as far as I can tell” because the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine’s website is going so slowly that it's all but not working and has been like that for weeks now.
All this at a time when Ukraine, the worlds number six wheat exporter and number four corn exporter started harvest and about when they usually sign a memorandum with the leading grain exporters agreeing the amount of grain that can be exported this year.
How long does it take to appoint a new Minister, is there something going on in Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture that we should know about?
(Update to this story, as if by coincidence Ukraine's Ministry of Agriculture have just announced a tender to develop a website.)
(Update to this story, as if by coincidence Ukraine's Ministry of Agriculture have just announced a tender to develop a website.)