After a protracted dry spell during the spring and early
summer across central and northern Ukraine, 10 to 70 mm of rain provided timely
moisture for corn, soybeans, and sunflowers approaching or entering
Similar rainfall amounts sustained good to excellent summer
crop prospects in western Ukraine, while light to moderate showers (5-20 mm) in
eastern Ukraine benefited budding sunflowers.
In Russia, light to moderate showers (1-20 mm) and near- to
below-normal temperatures maintained excellent yield prospects for spring grains
and summer crops approaching (north) or progressing through (south) the
reproductive stages of development.
In western Russia, rainfall over the past 60 days has
averaged 100 to 200 percent of normal, ensuring good soil moisture reserves for
crop development, though the wet weather likely slowed winter wheat drydown and
harvesting somewhat.
Elsewhere, light to moderate showers (2-20 mm) in Moldova
were beneficial for reproductive corn, while moderate to heavy rain (10-50 mm)
in Belarus eased short-term precipitation deficits and improved moisture
supplies for flowering spring grains.
Untimely heat was not a concern, although spring grains and
summer crops were developing two to three weeks behind average in west-central
Russia (southern Volga and northern Southern Districts) due to the recent spell
of cool, showery weather.