Tuesday 17 November 2015

Latest USDA weather update

Western FSU

Showers overspread the region, easing drought in Ukraine and Russia’s Central District while maintaining favourable winter wheat prospects in southern Russia.

The core of the region’s drought extended from central and eastern Ukraine northward into Russia’s Central District.

In these areas, 7-day rainfall ranged from 10 to 30 mm (locally more).

While not enough to eradicate the pronounced 90-day rainfall deficits, the precipitation provided much-needed moisture for late winter wheat establishment in the still-vegetative southern growing areas.

However, weekly average temperatures remained at or below 5°C from northeastern Ukraine into the Central District, indicating the rain was too late to aid winter wheat establishment in these more northerly crop areas.

In contrast, winter wheat in southern Russia benefited from another timely soaking, with 20 to 50 mm reported over many of the major wheat oblasts in Russia’s Southern and North Caucasus Districts.