Wednesday 26 November 2014

Moscow's sushi should be safe

Russia has almost completed the rice harvest with 1.14mmt in bunker weight from 187,600 ha (95.7%) at an average yield of 6.1mt/ha.

To put rice in context Russia’s five year average annual production volumes are 1.0mmt or 0.14% of the world rice production and currently rank 36th position in the world.

Earlier this month the Governor of Primorye (about as far east in Russia you can get) met with Vladimir Putin in Vladivostok to discuss creating a programme to subsidise on-shore fish processing and creating a fishery cluster in Primorye.

Actually the decision to create a fishery cluster was made last year, the Governor is now just waiting for the Government to make a decision on financing.

So that's rice in the shed, if we can just get that fish on shore and transported from the far far east, Moscow should be good for sushi.