Monday, 19 July 2010

Intervention prices

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has set the following minimum and maximum intervention prices. Price per metric tonne and including VAT.

“A” group soft wheat:
1st grade 1320 -1584грн (130-155€)
2nd grade 1235 -1482грн (121-145€)
3rd grade 1150 -1320грн (113-130€)

“B” group soft wheat:
4th grade 1011 -1213грн (99-119€)
5th grade 975 -1170грн (96-115€)
6th grade 960 - 1101грн (94-108€)

Hard wheat:
1st grade 1452 -1742грн (142-171€)
2nd grade 1364 -1637грн (134-161€)
3rd grade 1243 -1492грн (122-146€)
4th grade 1142 -1371грн (112-135€)
5th grade 1101 -1322грн (108-130€)