Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Hillary Clinton is in town…
Wheat disease latest
There was not much about but it was there.
To be honest I thought it had been too hot for the disease to develop but it goes to show that it is out and about and fungicides are justified.
Caught in the act
Combines ready to roll
Latest price is 2600-2800 UAH (270-290 EUR) off the combine but is predicated to rise substantially.
Little known fact; sunflowers face away from the sun...
They are just starting to come into flower and look right pretty too. No signs of stress or disease.
Monday, 28 June 2010
Japan are looking good, still my outside favourites.
Friday, 25 June 2010
Crop update; winter wheat
Back in the Office
I thought I was going to miss the England game but found myself in a Ukrainian farm director’s office fifteen minutes after kick off. There was a telly in the corner so I politely asked if it was ok to put the footie on while we had our meeting. “No problem” he said, “great” I thought, all I had to do was to keep him talking for 90 minutes and I was going to see the game all the way through.
I spent the next hour and half talking to this guy, half listening to his answers, trying to think up another question that would keep him talking, while all the time following the game over his left shoulder on a turned down, snowy pictured TV sat in the far corner.
Who says men can’t multi task?
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Out of office
I will be out of the office and out of civilisation for the next four to five days so no blogging but I hope to have plenty of information on my return. I hope to follow the footie while away.
You want kartofel fries with that?
Your average Ukrainian has the patience of a two year old on Red Bull, unless you’re off when the lights go to green like Lewis Hamilton fighting for the championship the guy behind will be on the horn quicker than you can say "dasvedanya". Stand in any queue and the person behind will be pushing you in a way that would be taken as sexual harassment anywhere else in the world.
I know a lot of Ukrainian friends and colleagues read this stuff and I know they won’t get offended because they know it’s true!
In Ronalds restaurant you literally had an army of burger flippers and the brain dead throwing what passes for food out at the punters at a rate of knots unprecedented outside Ukraine. It truly was impressive to see. But it wasn’t fast enough! “What do you mean I have to wait thirty seconds for six big macs and coke, can’t you do it quicker?”, the level of intensity was actually frightening.
The fastest food I have ever seen but it still wasn’t fast enough.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Crop prices will rise between 16% to 40%!
I’m taking the UK as an example here but these trends hold true for farming in general.
If you look at farm incomes over the last four decades there is a downward trend.
The peak in the mid nineties was the introduction of subsidies designed to offset CAP policy changes that was supposed to have reduced the market price, when what actually happened was the global price lifted at the same time farmers received their bung from Brussels. Politicians really should learn to stop meddling in the market place.
The rise at the end of the chart is down to how DEFRA calculate farm incomes which now includes diversification projects i.e. not conventional farming so I suspect the true trend is further down.
So, any rise in prices has to be set against a background of four decades of declining farm incomes.
If further evidence was needed have a look at the farm products index for the last two decades.
Farmers today are essentially getting 1989 prices. And if you look closely you will see that input prices generally keep in line with what you’re getting paid, which is the second catch.
Crop prices will increase it’s a certainty; the law of supply and demand will, well, demand it. But so will input costs – everyone will want a slice of the good times – so margins will remain as difficult to reach with a 16% to 40% increase in prices as they are now.
The farmer as always will take the burden of the work and the risk and the lowest margin out of the supply chain.
Bugger!Agro 2010
The usual array of farm machinery and stands selling hydraulic hoses and oil filters on display and I have to admit to being bored rigid until I stumbled upon Daisy, the mutant cow, look closely. She made me smile for all of twenty seconds but she did brighten up an otherwise dreary show.
Bentazone works well on volunteer sunflowers although some of the bigger plants look like they might grow through the effects of the herbicide and survive, time will tell.
So that’s why they are called Cockchaffers!
Dimethoate seems to be the only thing that will touch them but as they are very localised, seemingly too busy to eat anything and bearing in mind that dimethoate is an OP and will take out pretty much everything else in it’s sights I thought it’s probably best to leave them to it.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Crop Update
Wheat looking clean, will be leaving out earwash as crop at medium to late milk stage and weather set to remain hot;
Oilseed rape still looking clean (well ours is), starting to change colour to a lighter shade of green with seeds still bright green, will start desiccating in seven to ten days. Rape seed E334/t August delivery in Paris on back of Canadian wet spring;
Sunflowers 30-70cm, looking good - what an easy crop to grow, sow, fert, spray and grow;
Soya struggling against weeds as wet May has encouraged a significant flush that is testing the herbicides;
Maize similar to soya.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Out of office
Monday, 14 June 2010
Experts say the biggest obstacle to development of Ukraine’s promising agriculture sector is the continuing moratorium on the sale of farmland
That’s a very simplistic view and personally one I don’t buy. There are many and varied reasons why agriculture in Ukraine isn’t developing as fast as some would like; whether you own the land or not is not one of them.
How many farms actually own the land they farm in Western Europe? Less than you would imagine. In the UK most of it is owned by the Church of England, pension groups and equity funds, the MoD and a small number of super wealthy land owners and it doesn’t seem to be an obstacle to farming there.
Critics argue that the ban on land sales stops investors sinking money in to developing land that they don’t own. Apart from normal agricultural practice of applying fertiliser and lime, deep cultivations and perennial weed control what else would you do to develop land? Sure you need to invest in infrastructure and machinery but you need to do this regardless of land ownership issues. Plus if land is made available for sale then the price will (eventually) rise and you’ll have less cash to put in to grain stores, buildings, tractors and combines.
I reckon the real reason that the moratorium is seen as such an issue by “experts” is the real money is to be made in land sales.
News from the zoos
The World Cup so far...
Admittedly it’s only the opening games and perhaps teams are being cautious but England looked lost with poor passing and basic errors and I’m not talking about the goalkeeper. And is it me or are the majority of spot kicks and crosses going sky high?
Weather update
Friday, 11 June 2010
Three Lions on my shirt
I will be watching the opening game at home but we have booked in to a proper French restaurant with a proper French owner and proper French food an’ all for the Uruguay v France match this evening.
Naturally we are supporting Uruguay and will be winding up our Gauloises smoking, Pernod drinking, sheep burning cousins at every opportunity throughout the game.
Vive la Uruguay!
Weather update
Cereals 2010
Based on the amount of stands selling shiny new stuff and services British agriculture looks pretty affluent; how can you not make money when you have all that reliable advice and independent research at your finger tips? Recommended lists, how I wish for that. We have to choose varieties based on information from the seed producer and having a look at plots in the ground and saying subjective things like “it looks pretty good dunnit”.
The second thing that struck me was the amount of business selling quality assurance and food security services and equipment. UK farmers are told that they have to have all these measure in place to show due diligence on things like mycotoxins otherwise no one will buy their grain. Yet we all know that UK buyers will take a ship load of grain from countries such as Ukraine which has no such assurance, traceability or security in place and are unlikely to in the near or long future. I would reconsider my NFU subs if I was you.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Ukraine travel advice
I put my passport in the washing machine earlier in the week and all the Ukraine stamps had disappeared. Yuriy at passport control was not happy, he said I had to go to the bank and pay a $100 fine. That was at 7am. I stood my ground and in the end he winked and let me through. Top guy and who says corruption is all bad?
Monday, 7 June 2010
Harvest Guesstival #2
The revision apparently reflected better prospects for wheat following last month rains and decreased winterkill fears but I reckon it’s because they really want that all expenses dinner at the da Vinci Fish Club!
Ahem, GM crops are currently banned in Ukraine too.
Out of office
It's been a while since I've been to Blighty; land of fish 'n chips, warm beer, leather on willow, cream teas, grumpy publicans, corrupt politicians, strikes, unemployment, coalition governments, rampant gun crime, economic meltdown and savage foxes!
Something is eating sunflowers
This is the larvae of Melolontha, more commonly known as Cockchaffer and he is crawling along the rows having a munch on roots and stems of sunflower seedlings before continuing on his destructive way.
We are set to lose about 50% of crop in one 70 hectare field to these chaps and there’s not a lot I can do about it.
They used to eat the adults in 19th century France, remove the legs and wings and sizzle in butter apparently.
Update from the village
It’s bit of a novelty growing your own food in the UK, we used to grow a lot of our own fruit and vegetables in the post war years but it fell out of fashion as supermarkets introduced cheap and convenient food. When the oil runs out, which may be fairly soon if BP can’t stop the leak, we will all be growing our own plots once again, at least those of us who can remember how.
Soya update
Fortunately soya produces a canopy pretty quickly so it should hold it's own given a reasonable degree of weed control from the herbicide.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Sunny outlook for sunflowers
Weed control has been tested to the full this season as regular rain has encouraged weeds to romp away unlike last year when it was very dry at emergence and weeds failed to develop. Herbicides have worked reasonably well and we are using inter row cultivations where we do have weed issues.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
We have grain
Weather conditions are excellent for the the grain filling process; there is plenty of moisture in the soil and warm, bright days to encourage rapid transpiration.
Warm weather enables flowering to take place quickly which means the glumes are open for a short period of time reducing the time the flower structure is exposed to pathogens such as fusarium sp. The result is we should see less fusarium on the developing ear although I will still go with an ear wash.
Isn't oilseed rape brilliant!
Who would have thought back in March when this horror show emerged from beneath the snow...
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Zebra born in Kyiv zoo
Mother and baby doing fine…for now.
The future is in futures
June 1st spring planting update
Target! What target? These guys turn up at the farm from time to time saying things like “you aren’t planting enough maize” and “you have too much oilseed rape in your rotation”. They even have the bloody nerve to ask for petrol money so they can go and inspect our crops. Well, to be blunt, they can feck off.
We - and by we I mean all the free thinking farming business in Ukraine trying to kick start the economy from the bottom up - don’t claim any of the measly subsidies on offer. We don’t operate under a central planning system, we are using private investment, we operate on a free market economy and grow what we think will give us the best return according to market predictions and within constraints of technical and logistical parameters.
Targets my arse!
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Smug mode
It’s reported that output in the EU will fall by 770,000 tonnes to 20.8m tonnes and China's crop dropping by 1m tonnes to 11.8m tonnes.
It’s the EU bit that particularly interests me as they will be looking to Ukraine to make up the shortfall to feed all those shiny new biofuel plants. I told you not to plough it in, that spring wheat looks mighty pitiful now eh?
We will have about 2,000 tons up for grabs in about six weeks; form an orderly queue, no pushing at the back.
This could be a laugh
Victor Yanukovych is to hold press conference this Friday dedicated to his first 100 days in power. The event is scheduled to take place from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. I guess he’s not planning on giving much time to questions then. May be I should pop along and ask him about the zoo?
Weather update
There are still people out and about with large drills, AKA big farms and agri-businesses rather than small scale local farmers, who are still planting maize. This doesn’t surprise me as a) we have had a reasonable amount of rain recently and that will have slowed up drilling operations a bit and b) everyone is dead keen on maize this year and are planting more of the crop.
Weather conditions continue to remain fair with showers and sunshine just about everywhere with it being wetter in the west than the east. The forecast is more of the same for the rest of the week.