Tuesday 28 March 2017

Latest USDA weather update for Europe

Periods of rain maintained or improved prospects for winter grains and oilseeds over much of the continent.

Across central and eastern Europe, a series of fast-moving disturbances produced widespread showers (5-30 mm) in Germany, Poland, and the northern Balkans.

Consequently, moisture reserves remained adequate to abundant for vegetative winter wheat and rapeseed following near- to above-normal precipitation over the past 60 days.

Despite the occasionally wet weather, temperatures 3 to 5°C above normal (up to 8°C above normal in southeastern Europe) continued to promote faster-than normal crop development.

Farther west, late-week rain improved prospects for reproductive winter grains in Spain (5- 20 mm) and boosted moisture supplies for vegetative wheat and rapeseed in France (10-40 mm, locally more).

The western storminess was accompanied by cooler weather (nighttime readings near or below 0°C), with wet snow reported in parts of Spain.

However, the cold did not have any impact on wheat, barley, or rapeseed.

Unsettled weather (5-25 mm) was also observed in southeastern England, sustaining favorable soil moisture for winter crops.

Dry conditions prevailed over the Mediterranean Coastal areas, promoting citrus harvesting and other seasonal fieldwork.