Wednesday 16 April 2014

Are we seeing the first real shoots of growth in Ukraine?

As Ukraine appears to teeter on the brink of civil war and uncertainty it’s worth noting that this month alone the following announcements and changes to agricultural related legislation and policy have been made.
I'm no expert and I have yet to study the detail but on the face of it they all seem positive, sensible and for the general good.

I get the impression there are lot of people working away in the background trying to effect real change for the nation; may be this is what the revolution was really all about.

  • EU trade preferences for Ukrainian exporters come into force;
  • Ukraine to introduce the minimum term on the agricultural land lease;
  • Ukraine: Ministry of Agrarian Policy to deregulate the market of plant protecting agents;
  • Ukraine canceled grain and granary certification;
  • Ukraine to develop organic commodities production and exports to the EU;
  • Ukraine: National Bank provided a new way for lending support;
  • Ukraine: position of the Deputy Prime-Minister of the agrarian complex to be renewed;
  • Ukraine simplified the procedure of agricultural land allocation.

Source: APK-Inform.